Switch Xamarin Studio to Xcode5 for iOS 7.0 Development (and back)

I enjoy using Xamarin . I also want to play with the Xcode5 Developer Preview . But sometimes I want to switch back & forth between Xcode5 and Xcode4. Why? Because of this: That's the message you'll get in Xamarin if you use Xcode5-DP. So I hacked out a quick Python script to help me switch back & forth in my project. It's simple enough to just be worthy of a Gist. See: xamarin_switch.py at https://gist.github.com/xeb/5890019 . Use it within the directory of the solution & csproj that you are working with. Then just run the script & specify which verison of Xcode you want. (Either a 4 or a 5 or "xcode4" or "xcode5"). Example: Again thats.... xamarin_switch.py xcode4 To go to Xcode4 + iOS 5.1/6.0/etc. and xamarin_switch.py xcode5 To go to Xcode5-DP + iOS 7.0 This did three things: Changed the SDK Location of Xamarin Studio Changed the first CSPROJ file to the correct iOS Build version Launched Xam...